
-Destroy all enemies on screen in a series of waves


-Shoot enemies to drain their health and destroy them

-Dodge enemy bullets and charges by outmaneuvering their attacks

-Be cautions of your ship's health represented in hearts (top left), you can only take damage five times unless...

-Heal your ship's health and fill your spread-shot counter by collecting pickups dropped by destroyed enemies on given occasions

-Strategize when to use your spread-shot attack with the counter (top right), the amount of shots fired in a spread-shot attack is three times the amount in the counter (upon firing a spread-shot the counter will reset to zero)

-Reach new high scores by obtaining extra pickups or by destroying enemies that are about to charge/are charging at you


-This game utilizes generic arrow key movement (left/right arrow keys to move left/right and up/down arrow keys to move up/down)

-Press and hold the X, V, or N keys to continuously fire generic shots at enemies (infinite supply)

-Press the Z, C, or B keys to unleash a special spread-shot attack (described above)

Behind The Scenes:

-This simple Pico-8 shoot-em-up was created as part of a school related project

-All sprites, sound effects, and music used within the game are original (created by myself)

-Due to time constraints the game has some unfinished elements (may be addressed later)


-This game was made entirely possible by the Pico-8 Basic Shmup Tutorial by Lazy Devs Academy

-All accreditation related to the code this game was built on belongs to Lazy Devs Academy


simple_shmup_windows.zip 982 kB
simple_shmup_linux.zip 742 kB
simple_shmup_osx.zip 3.2 MB
simple_shmup_raspi.zip 2.1 MB


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I really enjoy this game! It's also fun to play with a controller or joystick because they make navigation easier. I appreciate the way the sprites look, and the sound effects are also great! UwU.